Free Valentine's card!
It's nearly Valentine's day. Yes, we all know what is expected...Romantic cards, chocolates, meals in fancy restaurants - and that is just the start.
In these currently difficult, cold months, it may be nice to do all that stuff - but the thought of the expense of it all might make it a romantic gesture too far - that is why I have decided to help out - let's say it's my own way of spreading the love a little bit this year...
So, what am I going to do? Quite simple - I have designed my own Valentine's card! It's cute, it's quirky, and unlike anything you will see in the shops (I'm pretty sure!). Most importantly - it's completely FREE!
Keep checking my website this week, and one day it will magically appear - ready to be printed. Note the inside will be captionless, not because I'm lazy, so you can add your own messages (you will also need to provide your own standard-sized envelope, but that shouldn't be too difficult, right).
Simply print onto a good, strong paper or card (whatever your printer will allow), fold in half, put into your envelope and deliver to your sweetheart - simple!
Hope you enjoy it, any comments you have are gratefully received - all I ask is if you like it, consider sharing it amongst your friends, or subscribe to my website/ YouTube channel - or if you're feeling especially generous - all 3!
Thanks and bye for now